
『上級へのとびら』(本冊) TOBIRA: Gateway to Advanced Japanese

上級へのとびら岡まゆみ [構成・執筆] 筒井通雄 [総監修・文法解説]
近藤純子・江森祥子・花井善朗・石川智 [執筆]

B5/420ページ 2009年7月刊行
ISBN:978-4-87424-447-0 C0081
本体3,300円+税 | Based price: 3,300yen

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TOBIRA is a groundbreaking intermediate-level Japanese textbook designed to develop the four language skills through the study of a variety of different topics from Japanese geography and history to pop culture. TOBIRA promotes language learning through the use of multimedia materials and establishes a support system via the Internet so that learners outside Japan have access to a Japanese language environment.

第1課 日本の地理

第2課 日本語のスピーチスタイル
〔言語ノート〕Sentence-final particles (終助詞) Part 1

第3課 日本のテクノロジー

第4課 日本のスポーツ

第5課 日本の食べ物

第6課 日本人と宗教

第7課 日本のポップカルチャー
〔読み物〕「マンガの神様:手塚治虫」「日本語のオノマトペ 」

第8課 日本の伝統芸能

第9課 日本の教育
受験戦争、いじめ、 登校拒否

第10課 日本の便利な店

第11課 日本の歴史

第12課 日本の伝統工芸
〔言語ノート〕大きい vs. 大きな、The absence of particles(無助詞)

第13課 日本人と自然
〔主なトピック〕 日本の自然、自然描写、俳句、川柳、標語
〔言語ノート〕Sentence-final particles(終助詞)Part 2

第14課 日本の政治

第15課 世界と私の国の未来

Chapter 1: The Geography of Japan
[Reading] “The Geography of Japan”
[Main Topics] Geography, place names, local specialties, events, festivals, folk tales
[Conversation] Asking questions/active listening
[Language Note] aizuchi and filler words

Chapter 2: Speech Styles in Japanese
[Reading] “Speech Styles in Japanese”
[Main Topics] politeness levels, gendered speech, contractions and inversions, written and spoken language, phone conversations and e-mail in Japanese
[Conversation] Apologizing
[Language Note] Sentence-final particles, Part 1

Chapter 3: Japanese Technology
[Reading] “People and Robots”
[Main Topics] Robots, technological advances, foreign loan words and katakana words, using online dictionaries
[Conversation] Asking for favors and expressing gratitude
[Language Note] Katakana words

Chapter 4: Sports in Japan
[Reading] “Training the heart through sports”
[Main Topics] Sports in Japan, Japanese martial arts, the relationship between mind/heart, body and technique, club activities, senpai and kohai
[Conversation] Asking for advice and getting information
[Language Note] Japanese numbers and units of measurement

Chapter 5: Japanese Food
[Reading] “The Tale of Instant Ramen”
“The Birth of Cup Noodles”: a manga
[Main Topics] Instant ramen, fast food, sushi
[Conversation] Explaining something/expressing one’s thoughts
[Cultural Note] On Rice
[Language Note] が and けれども

Chapter 6: The Japanese and Religion
[Reading] “Religion in ” “A Japanese Legend: The Well of Heaven”
[Main Topics] Religion, religious customs and events, faith, legends
[Conversation] Explaining using graphs/expressing one’s opinions
[Cultural Note] Japanese Superstitions
[Language Note] もの and こと

Chapter 7: Japanese Pop Culture
[Reading] “The God of Manga: Tezuka Osamu” “Onomatopoeia in Japanese”
[Main Topics] Japanese pop culture, manga, Tezuka manga, onomatopoeia, blood type
[Conversation: Explaining problems/ expressing complains and grievances
[Cultural Note] Japanese “kawaii culture”
[Language Note] Rendaku (Sequential Voicing)

Chapter 8: Japanese Traditional Performing Arts
[Reading: “Kyōgen and Laughter”
[Main Topics] Japanese traditional performing arts, Kyōgen
[Conversation] Telling a story
[Speech] summarizing a tale
[Cultural Note] Japanese songs
[Language Note] no-adjectives

Chapter 9: Education in Japan
[Reading] “Education in Japan Today”
[Main Topics] the merits and demerits of Japan’s educational system, academic credentials and society, school admissions wars, bullying, school refusal
[Conversation] Giving and receiving compliments
[Cultural Note] Gestures in Japanese
[Language Note] という

Chapter 10: Japan’s Convenience Stores
[Reading] “Japan: Land of the Vending Machine”
[Main Topics] the merits and demerits of vending machines, Japan’s konbini (convenience stores)
[Conversation] Exchanging information
[Cultural Note] Standard Japanese and dialects

Chapter 11: The History of Japan
[Reading] “The History of Importing in Japan”
[Main Topics] the history of things Japan has imported from abroad, Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Tokugawa Ieyasu
[Conversation] Talking about historical events
[Speech] Giving a speech on the historical events and figures of one’s country
[Cultural Note] Is curry rice Japanese food?
[Language Note] ōi: an i-adjective not quite like the others, the use of adverbs in noun modification

Chapter 12: Traditional Japanese Crafts
[Reading] “What we can learn from Washi (Japanese paper)”
[Main Topics] The special characteristics of washi, the story of the thousand paper cranes
[Conversation] Explaining how to make something
[Speech] Giving a speech on how to make/use/do/etc. something
[Cultural Note] Crafts in Japan
[Language Note] 大きい vs. 大きな、the absence of particles

Chapter 13: The Japanese and Nature
[Reading] “Sensei and I” “Haiku [Main Topics] Nature in Japan, depictions of nature, haiku, senryū, mottos
[Conversation] Developing a conversation (Asking follow-up questions/expressing one’s impressions of things)
[Speech] Giving a speech based on an interview
[Cultural Note] The Man’yōshū and waka/tanka

Chapter 14: Japanese Politics
[Reading: “What It Takes to Become a Politician”
[Main Topics] The Japanese political system, second-generation MPs (members of parliament), the pros and cons of celebrity MPs, political demonstrations
[Debate] Expressing one’s opinions/agreeing/disagreeing
[Cultural Note] The Japanese Imperial Family
[Language Note] んです

Chapter 15: The Future of Your Country and the World
[Reading] “If the world were a village of 100 people”
“If Japan were a village of 100 people”
“Ms. Maathai’s Mottainai Campaign”
[Main Topics] The world’s social problems, the mottainai movement, mottainai grannies
[Debate] Expressing one’s opinions/agreeing/disagreeing
[Language Note] Similes and metaphors

「とびら」の紹介Introduction to TOBIRA