ホームとびら俳句川柳コンテスト第3回コンテスト (2016-2017)

第3回コンテスト (2016-2017) Third Contest



  • 団栗や 道にころころ 木の子供 (秋が好きな人)
  • 春光に 積み重なった 雪溶けて



  • 火が山を 真っ赤に染める 夏休み (カリフォルニアの学生)
  • だらける日 遠くの国で 月兎
    I wrote this poem on the day of the Mid Autumn Festival which is celebrated in many parts of Asia. But in Croatia – my home country, it was just another day, rather hot for the time of the year, which made everything quite listless, quiet and slow.
    I tried using ʺtoriawaseʺ – a combination poem where I combined two rather opposite things – an ordinary day on the one hand and activities combined with a major holiday on the other. I combined them by using an intermediary – a distant land, space which bridges the places of activity and inactivity. A sort of ”fueki ryukoʺ. After the second line, I also ended with で, in stead of に, to indicate that the place of the last stance is that of activity. People are viewing, enjoying and gathering below and around the full moon.
    The poem is also characterised by ʺkaromiʺ – lightness that is produced by a detached, yet sympathetic stance. The joyful events that were going on at the the other part of the world at that moment, had nothing to do with me, and a holiday greeting didn’t really move me. But it did makes me feel serene to know that different people enjoy traditions that belong to them.
  • 桜から 雪が降るよう 春なのに (富)
  • 寒い冬 終わった後は 寒い春 (ボストン市民)
  • もう寝よう スマホを置いて 今寝よう
  • うまいぼう 食べられないと うまくない (羽)
とびら俳句川柳コンテストTobira Haiku/Senryu Contest